Update 12

Hey, this is just a quick update but I have prepared a ton of new transcriptions from a myriad of ancient Greek sources so be sure to check back within the next couple of hours!

On a side note, Classical Braille still plans on offering Akkadian material, but it will not be offered for a month or two since I have not had the time lately to collect and transcribe the necessary materials.


About classicalbraille

On this blog I will be publishing my progress on my transcriptions of classical Greek and Latin texts into Braille. I will then distribute these books for free so that visually impaired people may enjoy these works for no charge. My first set of transcriptions include a selection of latin poetry including Vergil, Catullus, and Horace. I will also include transcriptions of their corresponding translations, but there will be no glossaries or commentaries at this time as I am embossing everything manually. I hope you will spread the word and follow both my progress and my work. Thanks. View all posts by classicalbraille

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