Tag Archives: Neo-Latin

Update 10

Sorry for the recent inactivity, but I have been doing some Classical Braille work unrelated to the website. In the upcoming weeks I should make some announcements, but in the mean time please contact me with any thoughts, concerns, or orders.

Thanks for the support and please remember to order, comment, and spread the word.

Update 6: Descriptions

On the Catalogue page I will be adding descriptions of the works over time. These additions will help clarify the subject matter, genre, and difficulty of the various passages, and subsequently help you in selecting the best possible texts. I have also been considering transcribing non-classical Latin texts (such as, Winnie Ille Pu or Magus Mirabilis) but I am unsure of their copyright statuses at this time. I am also skeptical of doing this because I feel the need to preserve ancient Latin and Greek works because they are less likely to be presented in Braille in their source languages, while Winnie the Pooh and The Wizard of Oz do have at least some braille editions.

Remember to comment, spread the word, and order.