Category Archives: Uncategorized

Update 14: Audio Page Maintenance

Hello, just writing briefly to tell you all that the Audio Page is temporarily down for maintenance. I think the problem is on my end, but nonetheless it should be fixed shortly. I also will update the page with new recordings once it is running.

Also, I’m currently preparing Akkadian materials to launch in February. I have also been toying with the idea of a systematically formulated Braille script to depressant the actual cuneiform script. This is no easy task and I’m not sure if there’s a real point to it, but I’m attempting it regardless.

In conclusion, remember to order, comment, and spread the word.

P.S. Expect to see the Catalogue updated within the week. More information to come.

Update 9: Audio

In the near future I will be adding an Audio page on which you will be able to listen to and download audio tracks of Greek and Latin works.
As always, remember to comment, subscribe, and spread the word. Thanks.

Vote on Classical Braille’s Expansion!